The Admission and Registration Office is vivacious to LIU’s success, as it is one the significant offices at the University that directly connects to students and faculty members at LIU and to the Ministry of Higher Education and Higher Education (MEHE) . The Admission and Registration Office is responsible for outlining admission policies, helping students with the major-changing process, and running all student registration procedures. The Office is also in charge of tracing students’ academic affairs from admission to graduation, and enforcing the rules Academic Degrees Awarding Guidelines.
The Admission Unit is responsible for overseeing all student admission procedures and other related follow-up practices. It accepts enrollment applications, and during the student admission process, it follows all admission conditions and guidelines issued by the University’s administration and adheres to all of the admission specifications for programs as outlined by the MEHE. It also answers inquiries from potential students interested in applying to LIU, and ensures that all updates made to the application process are also made to the online application portals.
The Registration Unit provides students, faculty members, and administrative staff with the necessary services to ensure their academic and professional success. These services include facilitating course registration, computing course equivalencies. In tandem with QAIEA Office, the Unit also produces the necessary reports and statistics needed to make the appropriate administrative decisions to best backing the educational process at LIU.