Virtual Training of Trainers (TOT) - February- March 2021

The School of Pharmacy participated in the second DIGIHEALTH project training of trainers held virtually on the period between February 23rd and March 23rd, 2021, and facilitated by the Mediterranean Universities Union (UNIMED). The training focused on online teaching techniques and tools, where the 15 training hours provided practical knowledge on collaborative online groupwork, gamification within e-learning, and open and inclusive teaching approaches. Participants from different universities in Lebanon, Syria, and Egypt, in addition to the trainers from Italy and Sweden joined the virtual sessions. The organizers acknowledged the impressive participation from LIU with 15 participants including 12 academic leaders and faculty, as well as three students. During the final session, our faculty and students collaborated in presenting many online ideas and games. They displayed creative learning ideas used at the school, collaboration among students and faculty to improve remote learning, as well as the use of tools learned from DIGIHEALTH training and other resources in the pedagogical process.