In the past week, between March 28 and April 2, 2022, the ISSBS professors dr. Nada Trunk Širca and external collaborator dr. Majda Naji conducted a 5 day Erasmus mobility for teaching at our partner institution Lebanese International University in Beirut.
In addition to lectures at the partner institution, the content of the mobility was also:
– insight into current educational, research, and internationalization activities at LIU,
– definition of realistic objectives for further cooperation between the institutions and identification of possible cooperation activities for the period 2022-2023 / 2024.
– The international scientific conference MakeLearn & TIIM, the international publishing house ToKnowPress and the academic journal IJMKL were also presented, and
– defined plans for future cooperation and involvement of partners.
Both professors also gave successful lectures. Dr. Nada Trunk Širca presented content from the field of methodology and research methods and internationalization and quality of higher education, dr. Majda Naji in the field of sustainable development and intercultural dimensions.
Dr. Nada Trunk Širca and dr. Majda Naji also visited other Lebanese educational institutions, such as Antonine University, where they were also received by the Rector of the University Fr. Michel Jalakhom. During the meetings at LIU with the dean of the faculty dr. Anwar Kawtharani also talked about the implementation of the master’s program Management and Quality in Education and the doctoral program Knowledge Management (joint degree). Both professors also met with a national agency for mobility called NEO, which is similar in content to the Slovenian CMEPIUS.