The Inauguration of the Refugee Students Operational Support Unit (R-SOS)

Under the patronage of the Minister of State for Displaced Affairs, HE Mr. Saleh Al Gharib, the attendance of the Minister of state for Foreign Trade, HE Mr. Hasan Mourad, and with the presence of the distinguished attendance of the President of the University, HE Mr. Abdel Rahim Mourad, the Lebanese International University Inaugurated the R-SOS Unit as part of RESCUE project which coincided with World Refugee Day. The inauguration was attended by Senior Project Manager for RESCUE Dr. Raniero Chelli of UNIMED, as well as ERASMUS+ Office Lebanon Director, Dr. Aref AlSoufi. The event was enriched with the engagement of Education Council of the University from Vice Presidents, Deans, Academic Directors, lectures and students along with international bodies of UNHCR, and UNRWA. June 20, 2019.