Examining the University performance from different perspectives and setting a rich framework is extremely critical in meeting national and international accreditation requirements. Therefore, QAIEA is adopting a comprehensive self-examination model that covers any accreditation requirements at the institutional, schools and programs levels. That is, reflecting the context of the standards of excellence for Institutional Context and Educational Effectiveness. As a result of the continuous efforts toward achieving national and international accreditation LIU is currently accredited by:

The Lebanese Ministry of Education and Higher Education MEHE recognizes all the degrees awarded by The Lebanese International University (LIU). LIU is a private, independent institution of higher education governed by an autonomous Board of Trustees (BOT). The university was established and recognized by the Lebanese State in 2001 under the name of Bekaa University under presidential decree 5294 of April 9, 2001. The university name was later changed from Bekaa University to the Lebanese International University congruent to decree 14592 of June 14, 2005.

LIU was accredited by HCERES-Haut Conseil d’évaluation de la recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur- in April 2021 for three years.
view HCERES Website

The Bachelor of Pharmacy degree program at the Lebanese International University, School of Pharmacy, has been granted Certification by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education. view ACPE Website

The School of Business is a Member of the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) holding a Candidacy Accreditation Status.
View ACBSP Website