A quality culture has been developed through a process that simulates an overview of accreditation Self-Study and Peer-Review Process. Accordingly, and in order to develop Quality Culture at LIU, several seminars have been presented to LIU community, namely:

  1. Introduction to Quality Assurance (November 2016)
  2. Quality Assurance Institutional Assessment and Accreditation (March 2017)
  3. Road Map toward Accreditation (May 2017), Institutional Assessment (September 2018)
  4. Vision, Mission, Values, Strategic Themes, Strategic Goals & Specific Objectives (October 2018)
  5. Teaching & Learning: Curricula Review and Development (October/November 2018)
  6. Introduction to Quality Management System (QMS) ( December 2020)
  7. Human Resources Management System (HRMS) (October 2021)
  8. Accreditation Awareness Day (December 2022)