A quality culture has been developed through a process that simulates an overview of accreditation Self-Study and Peer-Review Process. Accordingly, and in order to develop Quality Culture at LIU, several seminars have been presented to LIU community, namely:
- Introduction to Quality Assurance (November 2016)
- Quality Assurance Institutional Assessment and Accreditation (March 2017)
- Road Map toward Accreditation (May 2017), Institutional Assessment (September 2018)
- Vision, Mission, Values, Strategic Themes, Strategic Goals & Specific Objectives (October 2018)
- Teaching & Learning: Curricula Review and Development (October/November 2018)
- Introduction to Quality Management System (QMS) ( December 2020)
- Human Resources Management System (HRMS) (October 2021)
- Accreditation Awareness Day (December 2022)