LIU hosts an astounding variety of events, largely organized and run by academic departments and students. Guests come to University and offer distinctive views informed by their experiences, expertise and scholarship. Faculty/Student/Alumni may organize an event by contacting the PA&C office through filling in an Online Event Support Request.
Form link : https://forms.gle/krFCQdtDcMTmoLYv7

The following rules are intended to assist us in providing a safe and enjoyable atmosphere for our fans. Please read them carefully and remember them every time you join or participate in a conversation. By using or accessing this website, you agree to abide by the social networking platform's Terms & Conditions. While we are eager to hear from everyone, please keep in mind that fan posts on LIU's social media sites do not always reflect LIU's beliefs, nor does LIU validate their truth.
All questions and comments, including constructive criticism, are welcome. Participants are expected to offer information and opinion that is both relevant and polite to the whole community. LIU maintains the right to remove any posts that do not follow our criteria, as well as to block anybody who frequently does so. We specifically do not allow the following kind of posts:
- Abuse, harassment, threats, attacks on others, or stalking
- Defamatory, offensive, obscene, vulgar or depicting violence
- Hateful in language targeting race/ethnicity, religion, gender, nationality or political beliefs
- Fraudulent, deceptive, misleading or unlawful
- Trolling or deliberate disruption of discussion
- Violations of any intellectual property rights
- Spamming in nature
- Uploading files that contain viruses or programs that could damage the operation of other people’s computers
- Commercial solicitation or solicitation of donations
- Link baiting (embedding a link in your post to draw traffic to your own site)

- Requirements and Recommendations
LIU values and promotes freedom of expression, and aspires to be a welcoming environment for the pursuit of knowledge. As a result, LIU manages and/or supports a number of digital platforms, including as websites, social media accounts, blogs, and mobile apps. These platforms might be run by LIU or by members of the LIU community. In all circumstances, LIU is dedicated to preserving the University's image and reputation by promoting accurate, up-to-date, relevant, accessible, and appealing information. The current standards are intended to offer a level of coherence and consistency in the administration of these platforms, as well as to guarantee that institutional rules are followed. Only LIU-affiliated organizations are permitted to post and promote on LIU platforms.
Any form of content published on a LIU platform must meet the following criteria:
- LIU places a high importance on its brand and image, and has established style and visual identity requirements. As a result, any use of the university's marks, symbols, or logos must adhere to LIU's style and visual identity rules.
- To guarantee that the LIU name, logo, and trademark are appropriately utilized, LIU digital platforms must incorporate the worldwide LIU header and footer as specified by the Office of Events & Communications.
- As a result, content that is considered as objectionable by its intended audience, promotes hatred, intolerance, discrimination, or violence, or targets or disparages any ethnic, racial, religious, or gender group, or endorses unlawful acts is forbidden at LIU. Also forbidden is content that breaches LIU's Non-Discrimination and Anti-Discriminatory Harassment Policy. Content that is defamatory, vulgar, threatening, harassing, pornographic, or libelous is not allowed. Content that is seen as unlawful solicitations, violates any relevant local, state, or federal legislation, or university rules and procedures, or is incompatible with LIU's purpose is forbidden.
- Intellectual property rights must not be infringed upon in the content. As a result, the authorized publisher must ensure that LIU has permission to use the material, which may include but is not limited to an article, research, event, picture, video, audio, music, trade name, trademark, or logo.
- On a LIU digital platform, the revelation of any regulated, restricted, or otherwise non-public information is banned. Content must not break any working at LIU secrecy provisions, including sensitive information, confidentiality duties, and professional codes of ethics. Employees at LIU must respect the privacy and confidentiality of students and patients in accordance with existing laws and regulations.
- Content must not infringe on anyone's privacy rights and must adhere to applicable data privacy laws, such as the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (GDPR).
- There must be no viruses, worms, malware, Trojan horses, spam, junk mail, or other dangerous or damaging information in the content.
- Spam, machine- or randomly-generated content, and unethical or unwanted commercial content designed to drive traffic to third-party sites, boost third-party site search engine rankings, or further unlawful acts (such as phishing) or mislead recipients as to the source of the material are all prohibited (such as spoofing).
- It is forbidden to promote personal financial activity, commercial activity, for-profit organizations, political or religious groupings, or personal interests of people or entities other than LIU in content.
- Any external website connected from a LIU digital platform is not under the control of the institution. A disclaimer should be added since connecting to external information does not indicate that the institution supports the content.
- Content must not promote any individual, entity, or country that is sanctioned by Lebanon; as such, any individual or entity referred to within the content should be discarded (by the content creator).
- Content must be current and accurate, describing genuine events and true facts to the best of the content provider's knowledge.
- A link to the LIU Privacy Policy must be included on all university websites. The link to the privacy policy must be found in the global footer.
- Publishers of material on LIU digital platforms are responsible for ensuring that their work meets the guidelines outlined herein. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the material being removed or disabled.
- Content published by members of the LIU community that expresses the author(s)' personal views must include a disclaimer stating that the content generated on such platforms does not reflect the opinions or views of the university, its trustees, officers, or employees, whether on a platform maintained by LIU or on a platform in which they identify as members of the LIU community. In addition, LIU disclaims any responsibility for the content's correctness, completeness, legality, or reliability.
- The institution maintains the right to remove anything that does not meet these guidelines at its discretion.
- Recommendations for maintaining personal social media accounts for LIU faculty & staff:
- If LIU faculty or staff use social media to identify themselves as members of the university's faculty or staff, they must make it clear that they are not speaking for LIU and include a disclaimer that the content generated on such platforms does not reflect the opinions or views of the university, its trustees, officers, or employees. In addition, LIU disclaims any responsibility for the content's correctness, completeness, legality, or reliability.
- On your personal social media accounts, LIU teachers and staff must not disclose sensitive or proprietary information, data, or other materials from LIU.
- In accordance with existing rules and regulations, LIU teachers and staff must preserve the confidentiality and privacy of students and patients.
- LIU professors and staff should not use LIU's name or logo in their personal social media names, profile photos, handle, or URL unless it has been permitted by the Office of Events & Communications. However, if the name of the university appears in the experience or work parts (CV) of professional profiles on social media sites, this does not apply.