Internships are graduations requirements at LIU for some Programs such as Pharmacy, BMED and Nutrition. However, an internship is a period of work experience, offered by an organisation, lasting for a fixed period of time usually one semester. Internships are typically undertaken by students and graduates looking to gain relevant skills. Employers use periods of work experience to assess a student or graduate's capability and often recruit employees from their interns, rather than advertise their vacancies externally. To continuously assist LIU community, LIU disseminates information about available internship and part-time jobs for currently enrolled students, as well as full-time and part-time jobs for fresh graduates and experienced alumni.

- Assist in establishing a solid resume along with the associated education
- Provide Networking Opportunities
- Gain a Valuable Skill Set
- Stand a Good Chance of Being Hired In
- Help make sound and positive career decisions
- Networking
- Provide Much-Needed Confidence

- Prefect your resume and cover letter
- Make use of your university’s careers service
- Send applications

- As required by the company. Example: letter of enrollment, grades transcripts, résumé, cover letter, etc.