The School of Arts and Sciences (SAS) is one of five different graduate schools within the Lebanese International University. The current structure of the SAS was established in 2009 and is currently the largest school with more than ten thousands students, over six hundred and fifty full and part-time faculty in seven academic departments. The school offers sixteen bachelor’s degrees with interdisciplinary domains.
In addition to the large arts and sciences core curriculum, the SAS offers three master programs accredited by the Ministry of Education. In 2012, the SAS began offering Master of Science in Mathematics. In 2018, the school initiated a Master of Science in Food Technology and a Master of Science in Computer Science.
Since its establishment, the SAS provides a core foundation of arts and basic sciences knowledge so each graduate student leaves with sufficient knowledge to offer ample opportunities to extend their career or to continue their higher education.
In its role to develop professional practice knowledge, the SAS established local partnership with different private and public companies and medical institutes. These partnerships contribute to the sustainability of education and nurture a high level of knowledge to our students in different fields especially in the medical-oriented domains.
Along with the LIU mission and vision, the spirit of research is highly motivated by the SAS. The ambition and dedication of school faculty toward this path has been recently viewed through an increasing number of scientific research publications in national and international journals.